Video of the Week – How drylin Q sliding plates offer excellent tolerance adjustment

Published on: 27/06/2019

Video of the Week – How drylin Q sliding plates offer excellent tolerance adjustment In this week’s video we find out how the tolerance of fixture, positioning and measuring systems is compensated by a clever adjustment mechanism. Called drylin Q, the manually adjustable sliding plates are used for lifting column applications as varied as square […]


Surfing on asphalt with wear-resistant plastic bearings from igus

Published on: 16/06/2019

The Curfboard is a new type of sports equipment that combines a surfboard and a skateboard and in the process, has to withstand extreme loads. Especially high are the demands on its moving components, including the bearings. These must be wear-resistant, resilient, maintenance-free and reliable even under the toughest “Curf” conditions. Therefore, the developers at the curfboard GmbH rely on wear-resistant plain bearings made of iglidur Z and iglidur J350 high-performance polymers from igus.