Cheers! igus linear guide taps beer in seconds

Published on: 30/08/2023

Food engineering company One Two Beer GmbH develops automatic beer dispensing system with igus drylin linear technology for foam-free pouring. To prevent long queues at busy bars, One Two Beer GmbH has developed an automatic beer dispensing system. The centre piece is a mobile dispensing head that inserts into the bottom of cups and enables […]


From 6 weeks to 7 days. New igus system makes custom moulded bearings super-fast

Published on: 17/08/2023

FastLine service with online configurator from igus for developers in the any industry Automotive designers and buyers are accustomed to long lead times. To make an injection moulding tool for a mass-produced, wear-resistant special component, they would typically have to wait up to six weeks. Time that igus can now reduce to just seven days […]


Machine Heat Recovery System for heating factories efficiently is accessible to all, for free 

Published on: 17/08/2023

Engineers from igus are now using a simple, in-house technology for heat recovery. It uses the waste heat from machinery to heat factories and industrial units, saving energy costs and CO2 emissions. igus has made the details of the technology available online to industrial companies, for free. If all injection moulders worldwide were to use […]


Big push in plastics recycling using digital trading platform: igus invests in start-up cirplus

Published on: 09/08/2023

With their recycling platforms, igus and cirplus want to jointly promote the regenerative plastics industry in the future. Cirplus also launches first global standard for high-quality plastics recycling Plastics are super-versatile and an essential part of our everyday lives, yet even today they often end up being incinerated. A more sustainable plastics economy is needed. […]


Highest safety in battery production: first energy chain to be certified for dry cleanrooms

Published on: 01/08/2023

Test passes with flying colours: igus’ E6.29 energy chain receives innovative dry cleanroom certificate from research consultancy Fraunhofer IPA for ISO Class 4 Whenever the highest hygiene standards are required, igus scores well with lubrication-free and abrasion-resistant motion plastic components. A topical example is that battery production for electric vehicles requires special environmental conditions, which are […]