Tribo TX2 plain bearings reduce wear in high load applications by 3.5x

Published on: 28/09/2021

Lubrication-free and maintenance-free high-load material iglidur TX2 demonstrates 3.5-fold improved wear performance in tests. Especially forhigh-load applications in the construction, machinery, or agricultural industries, igus can now offer the new Tribo (tribologically optimized) material iglidur TX2, which works without lubrication. Even smaller excavating machines still need about 50 litres of lubricant per year with metal […]


Maintenance-free knife edge rollers expand the igus online shop range

Published on: 21/09/2021

iglidur rollers with predictable service life ensure product transport in food technology So that users can get their wear-resistant knife edge roller even faster, igus has expanded its online shop to include the range of iglidur rollers made from high-performance polymers. Included in the new range are knife edge rollers made of the blue material […]


Safe sorting even in heat: New igus material for the food industry

Published on: 15/09/2021

Electrostatically dissipating iglidur AX500 tribopolymer ensures maintenance-free, food industry applications In the food and packaging industry, sorting and packing zones are subject to constant movement of goods and temperature changes. For these storage mechanisms to perform flawlessly, long-lasting plain bearing solutions are required that can withstand friction and heat long-term. Another challenge is the creation of […]


VOTW-e-chains® on the side

Published on: 09/09/2021

Whether it be vertical or horizontal the igus® e-chain® will protect your cables. In this week’s video of the week, you can see how the igus® e-chains® are used on their side. No restrictions to the movement, no interruption to power, no problem. Click here to view the video For more information on igus® […]


Sustainability at the push of a button: e-chain for Drop Water vending machine

Published on: 07/09/2021

A new water vending machine from a Californian company reduces the transport and consumption of plastic bottles with the help of igus motion plastics. The Drop Station is a new sustainable drinks vending machine that dispenses water into compostable containers at the push of a button. The water does not have to be transported, as […]


The drynamic mobility show: how motion plastics supports mobility trends

Published on: 02/09/2021

igus experts present how motion plastics can reduce costs and sustainably improve technology in a series of live shows Our mobility is changing rapidly: e-scooters, e-bikes, e-cars and vehicles with alternative power sources are increasingly common. The concept of car sharing is also establishing itself in cities worldwide. At the IAA Mobility Show 2021 in […]